Saturday, April 24, 2010


We finally did it! All the dentist appointments, doctors, medical tests, shots, and paper work have been done. It's all been turned in to our Bishop and now we wait! Any guesses on where we will be called? Maybe Texas? Philadelphia? Finland? Africa? or how about Guam? It will be very nice and exciting to finally open that letter and see where the Lord wants us for the next two years.

It will be hard to leave all our children and grandchildren.. I can't look at any of my sweet babies without thinking, " how big will they be when I get home?" or "he will be driving by the time I get back! " or "will that new baby even know his grandma?" I push those thoughts away, and know that we are doing the right thing. A peace comes over me...and I know that what President Monson said, "by trusting in God with faith, nothing wavering, we can call down to our rescue His mighty power: His call to us is as it has ever been: Come unto me."

We are putting our faith into action, and know that it will bless our lives and those of our children and grandchildren.

This new blog will be a record of our mission. I start it with a promise to update it and record our jouney of the next few years.


Robin gut my favorite title is Grandma said...

How exciting! I can't wait to hear the news.

Robin gut my favorite title is Grandma said...

Oh and I guess Boise, Idaho - I think that's be a great place for you to go!